Addiction Treatment Community

The Community Addiction Treatment Services program offers assessment, referral, treatment and follow-up services to people with addiction related problems. The program focuses on relapse prevention through

  • Developing new skills to deal with stressful situations and conditions
  • Making changes in family, vocational, and social life, so as to support sobrietyWe provide the following services:
  • Assessment An assessment (one to two hours) is scheduled for every person referred to our program to determine the nature of the problem and the need for service.
  • Day Program The day program is three weeks (Monday through Friday) in duration. The program is provided in a group format. Every client has a staff contact with whom he/she will meet with on a weekly basis.
  • Supportive Stabilization Beds We have a limited number of supportive stabilization beds to address the housing needs of clients receiving day treatment.
  • Relapse Prevention Group At the end of the three week day program, clients are encouraged to attend at least four sessions of the relapse prevention group (follow-up group). This group meets once a week in the early evening. Clients who have attended an addiction program elsewhere are welcome to attend this group.
  • Individual Therapy We also provide individual therapy on an outpatient basis.