In-House Billing Services
In-House Billing Services
Other than clinical services, the matter of billing is the most important process of a practice. Determining how your cash flow moves can be vital, as it is the lifeblood of the business side of your practice. When choosing how billing will be conducted, you should go through a thorough assessment of costs, staffing, volume, and similar factors to find the right billing option for you. Such relies on an established practice however. When creating a new practice, or expanding an existing one, a more generalized projection is needed.
Retain Control – Trusted employees handle medical coding and duties, you keep control of finances
Return on Investment – Once trained employees handle the matter, less costs are involved
Close Proximity – Addressing any issues is simple as the individuals are already at your location
Our network of connections can help you train your own in-house team with the necessary information to keep your billing in-house. Each situation is unique, and must be reviewed for the best fit. Understanding your needs and making your practice work efficiently is our goal, and we can help you find what option is best.